Tree View Error

Issue #18 closed
Former user created an issue

Hi I am testing the plugin Tree View ver-1.4.2 on Confluence Server ver-6.1.0 . Got the errors (see the attached) when removing the watch by clicking "Un-Watch this tree" from my personal menu. Note that this tree has about 251 pages/sub-pages . I captured the error but can not find this error in the log file catalina.out. Any thoughts of the root causes ? Thx.

Kind regards,


Comments (4)

  1. Andreas Purde repo owner

    Dear Trung,

    I'm sorry to hear that you are experiencing problems.

    Unfortunately the screen shot does not help to see what is going wrong. The error should be recorded in atlassian-confluence.log not catalina.out. Do you have a possible to send me the relevant snippet from the log file?

    One additional question: did it happen only once or is it reproducible?

    Kind regards


  2. Andreas Purde repo owner

    Dear Trung,

    in version 1.4.3 I put the watch and unwatch actions in a transaction template. This might help to solve your problem. However as I don't have your log files this is just a guess.

    Remark: you created your ticket without anonymous - therefore you won't receive changes to it via email.

    Kind regards


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