Merge the actions into the watch panel

Issue #2 closed
Former user created an issue

Since all OOTB watch actions are now in the watch panel that appears when you click the watch button I do vote to put the tree watch action also into the panel as a checkbox. Would make UX more consistent.

Btw: The same is true for the list of tree watches. Instead of an additional tab a section in the existing Watches tab would make more sense from a user perspective.

Comments (9)

  1. Andreas Purde repo owner


    thank you very much for your valuable input. From a usability standpoint a totally agree. But:

    1) I simply don't know how to add items to the watch panel. In case I find out some time I will move the actions there. 2) I do not want to manipulate the standard Confluence template which shows the watches. This level of interference is too hot for a hobby developer like me.


  2. Andreas Purde repo owner

    After further investigations I found out that it is quite complex to shift the menu items into the watch panel (requires a soy template, a js etc.). Currently I unfortunately don't have the resources for that. Therefore I'm putting it to a wont fix. Sorry.

  3. Andreas Purde repo owner
    • changed status to open

    I found a potential way to move it to the watch panel. Therefore I'm opening this issue again...

  4. Thomas Krause

    This is great news! Thank you so much. Now only 3 smaller stages are missing (ever demanding users...):

    • Instead of having 2 menu links in the panel make a toggle link that switches between watch/unwatch according to current watch state
    • Make a checkbox out of the link so the UX is the same as for space/page watches
    • Bring the checkbox between space and page watch to make it a logically ordered list
  5. Andreas Purde repo owner


    thank you for the feedback. I would have implemented it that way but the plugin is working differently. It simply sets und un-sets the watch flags and only keeps the tree watch in order to detect new or moved pages. This means you can un-watch a tree you never watched before etc.

    What happens in case a user tries to un-watch on a descendant of a watch. Remove the original watch or disable this functionality on a descendant?


  6. Thomas Krause

    I see your point. So, Watch Tree is basically doing 2 things: Set page watches in a batch and set a specific tree watch flag. Similarly Unwatch would conditionally unset the tree watch flag and remove existing page watches in a batch.

    I still tend to think that a checkbox (basically showing the state of the tree watch flag) and doing the batched addition/removal of page watches as a secondary thing would make more sense. You would loose the "un-watch a tree you never watched" feature but to me this is not relevant.

    What happens in case a user tries to un-watch on a descendant of a watch. Remove the original watch or disable this functionality on a descendant? Hmm, I think removing the tree watch flag (and the page watches) on the sub tree would make most sense.

    I will discuss the current implementation with my power users and get feedback about what they think if this is now easy enough to explain to ordinary users.

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