Please elaborate : Perform watch and unwatch in a transaction

Issue #21 closed
Alana Fernando created an issue

Hi there, this is a query rather than a task,

there is a new feature released with 1.4.3 veriosn. May I know more details about this feature.

thank you inadvance for your attention.

Comments (4)

  1. Andreas Purde repo owner

    Dear Alana,

    I had a customer who reported that watching/unwatching of a very large tree sometimes resulted in an exception in his case. Unfortunately I did not get any additional information from him. However the exception thrown might be a transaction related problem. Therefore we put watching and unwatching into a database transaction as a kind of preventive bug fix.

    I hope that helps.

    Kind regards


  2. alana fernando

    Thanks Andreas. I hope you meant watching and un-watching a large page tree can be done now without any issue.

  3. Andreas Purde repo owner

    It worked before as well. However we had that single report of a problem and we improved the plug-in as a consequence.

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