No notifications send in page creation

Issue #22 closed
alana fernando created an issue

I am testing Tree view version : 1.5.2 in Confluence : 6.2.3.

I didn't receive any notification regarding new page adding inside parent pages i am currently watching.

Steps to recreate 1. enable email notifications 2. Create a child page inside a page tree that is currently watching

Expected output email should receive regarding new page creation inside watching page tree

Actual output no emails received from plugin. Only confluence page creation email received.

Comments (8)

  1. Andreas Purde repo owner

    Dear Alana,

    according you description this is not a bug. You won't receive an email for pages you added yourself.

    What do you mean by "confluence page creation email"? I'm not aware that there is something like this. You will only receive emails from Confluence when you are watching a page and somebody else changes it.

    Kind regards


  2. alana fernando reporter

    sorry Andreas,

    I created the page from another user, in this case i suppose i should receive a mail.

    I should receive a mail like above. But i didn't.

    Still i did receive above mail.

  3. Andreas Purde repo owner

    Dear Alana,

    thank for the screenshots. There are a couple of things I need you to check please:

    1. The only way to receive a page created mail would be a active space watch (at least from my knowledge). An active space watch together with Tree View don't make much sense. Therefore I would ask you to perform the following steps in a space which you do not space-watch.
    2. Can you cross-check that you really have an active Tree Watch on a parent page of the page you add.
    3. In the default settings Tree View will only send an added notification in case the direct parent of the new page has an active watch flag (not Tree Watch). The eye-symbol has to be filled out.

    In case all of the steps above don't help could please activate a debug log level on de.edrup.confluence.plugins.TreeViewHelper and send me the result when you add one page which does not result in an email.

    Kind regards


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