Add macro allowing to show the number of active tree watches on the current page

Issue #26 new
Andreas Purde repo owner created an issue

As a user I want to have a macro showing the the number of active tree watches on the current page.

Comments (3)

  1. Roman Joss

    Similar as the contributor's macros from Atlassian, this would be great for the tree-view macro.

  2. Andreas Purde reporter

    Dear Roman,

    what do you think about confidentiality in this case? Currently Tree View does not allow normal users to see tree watches of other users. By introducing this we would open this...

    Kind regards


  3. Roman Joss

    That's right. But as the standard-macros allows viewing watchers of a page, this should not be a problem. If a company do not want this, it should be possible to deactivate this macro. At least the space-administrators should have the possibility to use such a macro. The current tree-view-macro is only usable by confluence-administrator. For us this is not so comfortable as all spaces are administered by a space-admin, this person should be able to use the macro.

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