Watch und un-watch tree on blog posts cause an unhandled exception

Issue #3 closed
Andreas Purde repo owner created an issue

When applying watch tree or un-watch tree on blog posts an unhandled exception is thrown. However this should be caught.

Comments (9)

  1. Andreas Purde reporter

    this bug has been closed with version 1.0.1. The menu items don't show up for blog posts any more.

  2. c

    Hi, I'm still having this issues.

    When I watch or unwatch a blog post I get this: java.lang.ClassCastException: com.atlassian.confluence.pages.BlogPost cannot be cast to com.atlassian.confluence.pages.Page

    I'm using the latest version of tree watch and Confluence 5.8.14.

    Is there any resolution?

  3. Andreas Purde reporter
    • changed status to open

    Blog posts are not organized hierarchically. Therefore watch and unwatch tree do not make any sense for blog posts. However users should not see the menu entries for blog posts - I obviously reintroduced the problem by moving to the watch menu. Thank you for telling me. Andreas

  4. Andreas Purde reporter

    Dear Cynthia. I hope I finally closed this issue now. Thanks again for your input. Andreas

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