Options not available under Watch

Issue #9 closed
Patrick Vanhoof created an issue

We installed the latest version. Under the ... menu we see now that the options to watch and un-watch are now deprecated and are under the Watch menu, but we do not see them there. Clearing cache did not help.

We are on Confluence 5.9.4.

Comments (7)

  1. Andreas Purde repo owner

    Dear Patrick,

    I'm sorry that you are experiencing this issue. Could you please give me some additional information:

    1) "We" means that you don't see the entries on more than one machine?

    2) Which browsers are you using?

    3) Do you have any other plugins installed (apart from the standard Confluence plugins)?

    Thank you,


  2. Andreas Purde repo owner

    I could reconstruct the issue. You don't need to provide the answers. I'll get back to you as soon as I know what's going on...

  3. Andreas Purde repo owner

    Version 1.3.1 hopefully solves your issue. It turned out to be a problem with my Javascript code which tried to add the two elements to the dialog too early.

  4. Patrick Vanhoof reporter


    We now get this error when clicking on the Watch tree in the Watch menu. Reason: the urls behind those links give <site>/pages/watch.tree.action while in our case this should be <site>/confluence/pages/watch.tree.action. The deprecated links in the tools menu are correct.

  5. Patrick Vanhoof reporter

    Hi Andreas,

    It works now, thanks. Maybe a suggestion: if possible, an indication in the Watch menu that one is already following that tree.

    Thanks, Patrick

  6. Andreas Purde repo owner

    Hi Patrick,

    good to hear. Regarding your suggestion: this is already under discussion - however the proper solution is tricky as the plugin is not introducing a full new layer of watching.


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