Proposal to add a User Interface fonctionality

Issue #9 resolved
Axel Regnoult created an issue

The user interface design is really nice !

But, in the Visualizer page, I cannot see quickly an entity in the 'main' array, because (ID, Parent ID is not 'human-readable')...So, in order to verify a value of a particular entity, I need to scroll with the mouve over each row, in order to see the atttribute panel (at the right of the window). Then, I can look for a particular value in the attribute panel (and it is finished).

I think, a user could have the possibility to add an/multiples "attribute column" in the 'main' array. Consequently, I could check faster if the value is updated etc... This is also the issue I have with the interface of the datastore viewer, each time, I need to scroll to check the value...So, actually, I prefer your interface ('sexiest', 'fastest'), but nor of the UI solve a 'quick check' of an entity's attribute value.


Comments (4)

  1. Simon-Pierre Gingras

    Hi @axel_r !

    We've been working on this feature a bit. In the next GAE Studio version, we display all attributes of a kind in columns. This means that on top of seeing the ID, Parent Kind, Parent ID and Namespace, you'll see all fields of the entity (in a horizontal scrollable area, just like in

    In a future release of GAE Studio, we'll add the possibility the check/uncheck columns that you want to be displayed in the Visualizer. This way, you'll be able to focus on very specific fields (instead of seeing all fields at once).

  2. Christian Goudreau

    I would mark this issue as resolved since it was the focus on last iteration and this one.

  3. Christian Goudreau

    Work in progress and part of our internal tracker.

    If there's any specific changes after 0.8 release that you wish, please open a new issue.


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