Third Party Dependencies failed to copy.

Issue #5 new
Michael McCune created an issue


This happens when Rhino is closed. Involves HumanUI.

Comments (4)

  1. Michael McCune reporter

    Second error message: Freighter2.PNG

    The odd thing is that once the definition loads, one simply has to Recompute the definition for all errors to clear in the def. May have something to do with the listening objects in HumanUI.

  2. David Stasiuk

    These actually are two separate issues. The first one I don't think Freighter can really be equipped to resolve: basically, it's trying to access a .dll that is still in use elsewhere. I'm not sure how Human UI gets loaded and unloaded, and which processes might persist after Rhino is closed, for example, but Freighter won't be able to access it while it remains running.

    The second issue has to do with Powershell not being found on your machine. Freighter runs through all of the .dll's and .gha's in the GH component directory and unblocks all of them through Powershell. I'll have to look into whether or not this is something that Freighter can find and fix...

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