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Freighter / Get Started with Freighter

Step 1 - Install Freighter


  • Official Freighter builds can be installed through this ClickOnce Installer
  • Freighter tools are installed to C:\Proving Ground\Rhino\Freighter
  • The installer should automatically register the Rhino plugins.

Step 2 - Create Your Freight


  • Open your Rhino 5.0 project (be sure your model is saved)
  • Open your Grasshopper Definition
  • Type Freighter into the Rhino command-line.
  • Adjust your settings for the Freight. Include an image for your launch screen!
  • Save your Freight!
  • Freighter will create a new 'self contained' directory with your tools

NOTE: Freighter will copy over any relevant plug-ins and other dependencies into the 'Freight' folder. Users can specify which files should be copied over along with other instructions. Users of Freighter are responsible for making sure they are not violating any copyright laws or license agreements when using this tool.

Step 3 - Launch Your Tool


  • Navigate to a newly created Freight package
  • Double click on the EXE file
  • Launch your tool!
  • Freighter will launch Rhino, Grasshopper, and load any associated files.

NOTE: If your Freight tool comes with any Grasshopper plug-ins, the EXE will attempt to install them. If your Grasshopper file contains paths to any external files, Freighter will attempt to remap the paths to the new file structure.
