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fonzobot-discord / FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get help?

Send the following to me:


For full help and documentation, refer to the Help page.

How do I deposit funds?

Display your address by asking me:



@arfonzo's address: EL3MTiywoRqpHXfsEp3jmowexethkKwXkN

You can send funds to this address and they will be available to spend in your account once confirmed.

How do I tip someone?

Make sure you properly @mention the user on Discord.

!tip @arfonzo 12.345

How do I send to a normal address?

Sending to normal addresses also works:

!send EL3MTiywoRqpHXfsEp3jmowexethkKwXkN 12.345

  • Note that sending to addresses will incur a transaction fee.
  • Like most commands, !send has many aliases that do the same thing: !donate and !tip. Read the Help to discover them all.

How do I get my funds out? That big pump/dump is coming up...

Read the previous answer, then think about what you're asking me.

Are you staking my funds?

No: you will not be earning any staking interest. All the more reason not to store anything more than trivial amounts for tipping and casual donations.

This is safe, right?

No. You do not own your private key.

Ok, but this is relatively safe, right?

Maybe. Depends on your point of view. Points to consider:

  • You have secured and 2FA access to the funds via Discord's security model.

  • It lets anyone without a setup wallet/node instantly receive some cryptocurrency. They can setup a wallet and claim it (withdraw) later.

  • It's a convenient way to showcase using cryptocurrencies by tipping, donating, sending and receiving all within a chat channel or private message.

Will you reimburse me for loss/hack/etc?

No. You are not advised to put any substantial amount into me. You have been warned.

Withdraw funds regularly: do not let them accumulate in a wallet you don't fully control.

I've sent to the wrong destination, can I cancel?


I sent the wrong amount, can I change that?


Why don't you ask me to confirm again before making transactions?

Look, when you ask me to do !things, you don't expect to have to ask me to do it twice, do you? Likewise, I afford you the same respect. I do not doubt you, my liege: your word is my command--the first time you ask.
