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matchbornes / Discord

matchbornes on Discord

matchbornes is available to use via Discord. The same search capability exists over Discord as on the website. It returns top results only to reduce spam, but provides images and reference links to the matchbornes site for ease of reference.

  • The bot accepts trigger commands beginning with !.
  • The bot will only respond on the official Buriedbornes Discord server via DM, or in the following channels: #english (Translation Volunteer).
  • Be kind to your peers: if you're doing research/repeated searches, please do it via DM to avoid flooding channels.


Matchbornes search. Returns the first result only.


!mb <search parameters>

Example: !mb Ancient Prophet

Exact ID match example: !mb @MasterName-ENB00032


Skill-based Matchbornes search.


!skill <search parameters>

Example: !skill heal

Filtered name search !triggers

Search for names of things. Searches in MasterName-* IDs only for matches.

  !matchbornes !mb !search

  !contract !c !fd
  !dungeon !d !dg
  !effect !e !ef
  !enemymod !enm !em
  !job !j !jb
  !legendary !l !efl
  !skill !s !sk
  !skillmod !sm

Other !triggers


Ping/pong connectivity test.


Version information.
