Can't setup Free Pascal SDK

Issue #101 resolved
Former user created an issue

SDK is located in C:/FPC/3.0.4/

Everytime I press "OK" in "Select Home Directory for Free Pascal" window IntellijIDEA freezes for about 10 seconds, and after that it spews out an error.

What do I do?

Comments (7)

  1. Alexander Posledov

    I confirm - it does not allow to create a new project. Idea 2019.3.1 (community), i-pascal 2.50 (from idea marketplace), OS: Win10Pro (x64). Exactly the same issue.

  2. Alexander Posledov

    Moreover, plugin version 2.55 that is available for download from website now does not even start in IDEA, it just crashes, and IDEA disables it.

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