Dont work uses crt

Issue #2 resolved
Former user created an issue

it is too bad for me

Comments (13)

  1. George Bakhtadze repo owner

    What exactly don't work? Please describe the actual and expected behaviour. Are "rtl-console" units included in SDK's classpath? This can be checked at File=>Project Structure=>SDKs=>Classpath

  2. George Bakhtadze repo owner

    Do you have rtl-console directory added to SDK classpath? The crt unit is in that directory and it's not added by default yet (will be in next version) sdks.png

  3. Bram Bouwens

    Definitely, that's why it's also shown in the screen shot under "External libraries" and in the compiler command shown. Also the compiler does not complain about Crt not being found.

  4. George Bakhtadze repo owner

    Seems that restart with invalidate caches should help (File -> invalidate caches/restart). If it doesn't help please attach log file. The file can be located with Help->Show Log in...

  5. Bram Bouwens

    I'm not sure whether to regard this as solved.

    One could see the 'restart with invalidated caches' as a work around.

  6. George Bakhtadze repo owner

    I think this one is resolved. Probably there still is a problem with the caching facility but it also may be caused by the fact that data structures are evolving and cache data from old versions is not suitable for new ones. Existing (in IDEA) reindex triggering algorithm not always work correctly for some reason. It's hitting me time to time so I'm aware of it and trying to figure out.

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