Mark directory As.

Issue #63 resolved
Daniel Roziecki created an issue


there is LMB menu at Project Tree. If you use it in the directory you have option "Mark Directory As". There should be a possibility set this directory for example as source, etc. But now I can only set this directory as excluded. For seting is as source, I have to edit project settings.

Daniel Roziecki

Comments (5)

  1. George Bakhtadze repo owner

    Daniel, The option to mark a directory as source root should present unless one of it's parent directories is already marked as source or some other type of root. All subdirectories of a directory marked as source root considered as directories with source code. I.e. sent to compiler as unit directories etc.

  2. George Bakhtadze repo owner

    It's because the directory is already marked - through it's parent directory marked as root.

  3. Daniel Roziecki reporter

    Ok, but I have to manually set subdirectories as source. If not, then project will not be build.

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