Cant use unit windows

Issue #88 resolved
Former user created an issue

I can't open a window with I-PASCAL because the unit windows says undeclared identifier even thought rtl unit(which contains windows unit) is added. I Tried adding windows unit directly. I Tried Invalitate caches / restart...

Comments (7)

  1. George Bakhtadze repo owner

    Is decompiler command option correctly specified in SDK settings? Does windows.ppu open in editor if you double click his file under external libraries/rtl? If not please attach log file after the attempt. The log file can be found by selecting Help->Show log...

  2. Philipp Asteriou

    Define correctly specified... 1.PNG And yes I can open it and it shows all the type declarations and so on

  3. George Bakhtadze repo owner

    Seems it gets decompiled but can't be parsed. Did you try 64-bit compiler RTL? The same behaviour?

  4. George Bakhtadze repo owner

    Found the problem. The windows.ppu size exceed intellisense limit and doesn't get indexed. Unfortunately it can't be solved programmatically but can be fixed by configuration: Help->Edit Custom Properties add idea.max.intellisense.filesize property to a bigger value in kilobytes (5000 is enough) and restart the IDE with File->Invalidate Caches/Restart. I'll add a warning.

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