Configuration problem

Issue #93 resolved
Former user created an issue

what do I add for the configuration on intell ij idea. It tells me there is no compiler output so what configuration should I put. Can somebody please remotely access my computer and install pascal for me on intellij, I will give you chrome remote desktop access code?

Comments (30)

  1. George Bakhtadze repo owner

    It seems you already managed to create pascal project and may be a module. Now you can create and edit source files.
    If you don’t know how there is most basic tutorial:

    To move further - compilation, run etc you need to follow installation instructions and add Pascal SDK

  2. Gaurav Parab

    I have already installed the pascal sdk but it is not allowing me to run the program. can you remotely access my computer and make this work for me

  3. Gaurav Parab

    what do I add in this configuration window? Can you please remotely access my computer and help me do this?

  4. George Bakhtadze repo owner

    Sorry, but no, I’ll not access any computer remotely.

    Do you have some program? You actually not need to create run configuration by hand. It will be created when you run your program by pressing a green arrow button at gutter and selecting “Run”. The button appear at beginning of each program. See the screenshot.

  5. George Bakhtadze repo owner

    You are getting an error because you trying to run a scratch file. I’ll investigate it.

    Now you can create a usual file inside your sources root folder (untitled2 on your screenshot) and run it.

  6. Gaurav Parab

    are you saying I should run my code in this .iml file?(see attached screenshot)

    thanks so much for your continuous help!

    please advise

  7. George Bakhtadze repo owner

    No, you should create a pascal program file in that folder and run it.

    .iml is not a pascal file but IDEA module file.

  8. George Bakhtadze repo owner

    I mean “Create Module” option from the menu. May be it should be called with Pascal within…

  9. George Bakhtadze repo owner

    From the menu from your screenshot. In dialog which will appear select kind “Program“

  10. George Bakhtadze repo owner

    1. Right click on “untitled” under project 2. Select “New” 3. Select “Pascal Module”

  11. George Bakhtadze repo owner

    May be project or module setup is wrong. Please show project structure window (File->Project Structure)

  12. George Bakhtadze repo owner

    Just create a file with “File” option and name it test.pas. Then type begin end. in the file. The green arrow at gutter should appear.

  13. Gaurav Parab

    What are these random things (6n, etc that are showing up in my program?); The code I wrote for this screenshot was just writeln('hey') why is all of this showing up?

    EDIT: WHEN I TOOK OFF USES: CRT all the numbers dissapeared. I want to use crt. How can this be fixed

  14. George Bakhtadze repo owner

    Is it only if you run from the IDE or even if you run executable using terminal?

    Try disabling output buffering workaround:

  15. Gaurav Parab

    That worked, thanks a lot! If I encounter any more problems, I’ll let you know on this thread. Thanks so much for your help! Much Appreciated!

  16. George Bakhtadze repo owner

    You are welcome.

    It will be better if for other problems you will open a new issue.

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