Reverb is carried over between songs

Issue #14 wontfix
DataPlus created an issue

In the provided example song A is played and it sounds normal.
Then song B which has reverb is played.
Then song A is played again but it now has the reverb from song B.

Comments (3)

  1. きのもと結衣 repo owner

    These MIDI file has no GM system ON, GS reset or XG reset on begin of sequence.

    Godot MIDI Player don’t auto reseting like real MIDI sound modules when start playing data.

  2. きのもと結衣 repo owner

    if you needs force reset, you can write as following:

    func f( ):
        var gmp:MidiPlayer = $GodotMidiPlayer
        # Send Reset Message
        gmp.send_reset( )

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