Version 1.3.0 doesn't work on remote agents

Issue #3 resolved
Andrew Nefedkin created an issue

Logs say:

Could not execute task 'any task name' no Plugin with key 'fr.armotic.bamboo.plugins.filedownloader:fd_task' is installed.

Nevertheless, the plugin is installed, I can add it to jobs and configure.

UPD. It appears that remote agents do not ship with hamcrest libraries whereas the Bamboo itself does (and thus all local agents).

Comments (12)

  1. Andrew Nefedkin Account Deactivated reporter

    I've upgraded the plugin: 1.2.0 -> 1.3.0. The process went smoothly but after that plans which utilize the plugin are broken with the above message.

  2. Brice Ruppen

    The id of the task is correct: "fr.armotic.bamboo.plugins.filedownloader:fd_task" I did not change it. Could you uninstall and reinstall the plugin ? Do you use remote agents ? What if you create a new task ? Do you see FileDownloader ?

  3. Andrew Nefedkin Account Deactivated reporter

    Sorry for delay. I'm finally back from vacation and have access to logs. The attached is the remote agent's log showing the plugin upgrade process. There was a "class not found" error during the process.

  4. Andrew Nefedkin Account Deactivated reporter

    Well, now at least the installation went without errors. Will check it when any affected plan gets triggered.

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