
Brendan Patterson dylan 2017-03

Created by Brendan Patterson
Mr. Aidan William Patterson
English Mrs. Kelly McKeown Gaudet A- 2 B+ 2
 the task of writing a five-paragraph essay. I look forward to seeing what the next trimester brings for Aidan!
Trimester 2 The second trimester has been one of measurable growth as we embarked on increasingly challenging aspects of English class. Our intergenerational unit was an
exciting, compelling addition to the seventh grade curriculum. As part of a smaller group, students read one of three novels: Pop, The Cay, and Remember This. Having experienced Chains as a whole group, students relied upon their established literary analysis skills to read more independently. In addition to the students'
heightened level of independence, they were given opportunities to facilitate "book group" discussions and seminars centered around probing, open-ended
questions. Whether exploring a family affected by Alzheimer's or following the evolution of a cross-generational relationship, students authentically developed
empathy for their protagonists. In conjunction with our service learning and Memory Box work, students interviewed honorees and wrote a cohesive biography
detailing that person's life. Finally, we transitioned from paragraph writing to writing a five- paragraph essay, which will carry over into our final trimester as we
read To Kill a Mockingbird.
Aidan worked hard to do well in English this year. His quiet presence in class belies a comprehensive proficiency in most areas of the curriculum. Aidan's greatest
hindrance was his tendency to socialize during lessons. Although it was always done quietly with his mouth barely moving, he nonetheless disrupted many
lessons. As we begin a rigorous study of To Kill a Mockingbird, it is imperative that Aidan curb these impulses to talk. Aidan enjoyed his study of Pop. The small
group size enabled him to share ideas with confidence. Aidan's paragraph assessment demonstrated an ongoing need to write more formally and concisely. Aidan
tends towards a conversational, narrative manner of writing that includes too much summarizing. We will continue to work on precise, efficient writing in
preparation for a spring essay.

Math Ms. Camille G James B+ 2 B+ 2

Trimester 2 This trimester students explored various pre-algebra foundational concepts, which will prepare them for success in Algebra. Students began the unit by applying
their knowledge of rational number operations to simplifying algebraic expressions. Students were later introduced to factoring and expanding algebraic
expressions. We then studied solving simple and multi-step equations and inequalities problems. Students applied this knowledge of equations and inequalities to
real-world word problems. Finally, students solved real-world word problems using direct and inverse proportion. This trimester's major project was the Calendar
Project, in which students created and solved equations then used the solutions to the equations to represent dates in a chosen month.
Skills reinforced this trimester included paying attention to details, presenting work in a clear and organized fashion, note-taking, persevering through challenging
problems, and increasing confidence in both math and critical thinking skills.
Aidan is a very quiet student who displays a positive attitude and clearly enjoys math. He displayed an eagerness towards excelling in math by coming to class
prepared, and participating in class discussions. He also listens attentively both to instructions given and to the points being made in discussions. Aidan
performed well on some concepts that we studied this trimester, notably expanding, simplifying and factoring algebraic expressions and direct and inverse
proportion. However, he had challenges with solving algebraic equations and inequalities and analyzing word problems. Aidan is keen to learn new concepts, but
when faced with challenging concepts, he needs to ask for help when he does not understand. Next trimester I would like Aidan to seek help when he is having
difficulty understanding concepts and to use a methodical approach to problem-solving.

History Mrs. Janet E. Gaffga B- 2 B 2

Trimester 2 This trimester history topics centered around government, the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights, and Westward Expansion. Students analyzed the growth of the
nation looking at both positive and negative aspects of progress. Through informal and more structured discussion, students explored and debated relevant issues
including immigration, the U.S. criminal justice system, and foreign policy. Assessments focused primarily on reading comprehension. Class activities and
assignments required students to read purposefully to locate information and key details and to determine main ideas. The effort grade considered progress
demonstrated in six habits of learning- preparation, engagement, focus, independence, curiosity, and perseverance.
Aidan put forth a quietly solid effort this trimester in history. It is clear that he wants to do well, and he is a respectful member of the class. I hope to see Aidan
engage in our discussions more actively next trimester.
Aidan's comprehension of historical concepts is proficient. He usually meets expectations on reading quizzes and challenges, and tests. Aidan should continue
practicing reading strategies, specifically determining keywords and summarizing, to help boost his understanding of important ideas. The next step is to take his
thinking to a deeper, more analytical level. I know Aidan will make the most of his time in DC, and I look forward to this experience with him.

Science Mr. Stephen Collins A- 2 A- 1

Trimester 2 In seventh grade science, students spent the second trimester exploring plate tectonics, learning about the human brain and Alzheimer's disease, and investigating
what it means to be a living organism. To better explore plate tectonics, the students sketched out the different types of plate boundaries and studied recent
earthquake events in New Zealand as a case study on plate interactions. They applied the principles of plate tectonics to better understand the geologic history of
Colorado and the formation of the Rocky Mountains. They also invented their own fictitious worlds full of continents and oceans and mapped out the effects of
future plate movements. To learn about the brain and Alzheimer's, the students labeled diagrams of neurons, synapses, various lobes of the brain, and the brain's
limbic system. They examined the exterior and interior of a preserved sheep's brain. They also asked a wide range of questions about Alzheimer's and researched
and wrote science-based five-paragraph papers. To better understand what it means to be a living organism, the students wrestled with whether items such as
potatoes, flames, and mysterious brown pellets were alive or dead. They memorized a set of key characteristics that all living things have in common. Students
also dipped into the world of biological classification by creating sorting strategies for piles of random objects from home and by identifying fourteen different
families of sharks with the aid of a taxonomic key.
Aidan continues to do a great job in science. He remains diligent about his homework and lab work, he's motivated and interested during class, and he consistently
earns strong scores on assessments and projects. His plate tectonic mapping project clearly demonstrated that he could apply what he knew about plate motions,
and his Alzheimer's project examining why Alzheimer's is so common was carefully researched. Aidan's paper was well organized and full of strong, supporting
details. He does, however, need to pay more attention to overall grammar and punctuation. In addition to his paper, Aidan created a fantastic video sharing what

Progress Report
he learned. His use of graphs and charts was excellent. Well done! Keep up the hard work, Aidan.

Spanish Mrs. Diana Quezada B 2 B 2

Trimester 2 This trimester, students studied the conjugation of regular and irregular verbs in the preterite tense, the present progressive, direct and indirect object pronouns,
-GO verbs, and the use of reflexive verbs. They also studied the vocabulary related to cultural outings and traveling by plane. In both units, students were exposed
to some cultural and natural aspects of Latin America from Tango dancing in Argentina to the natural diversity of the Galapagos Islands.
Aidan had a steady trimester in Spanish. Overall, he seems to be making connections between the old and new material we are covering. Even though his writing
skills are improving, he needs to push himself a bit more by trying to write more elaborate sentences. Another suggestion for him is to try to stay focused;
sometimes he is more interested on talking to his neighbor than listening to the instructions I'm giving. Aside from that, I think Aidan will finish the year with a
very strong foundation of the language.

Band Mr. Justin H. Miera, Ms. Andrea J. Crane, Mr. Daniel

Trimester 2 The 7th grade band continues to make steady progress this year. During this trimester, students learned how to rehearse and perform in a small ensemble setting.
Each student was asked to lead a rehearsal, conduct research about the music they were preparing, and perform in a master class setting. Each group worked
collaboratively to prepare a presentation discussing the historical significance of the piece and the composer. As we resume our full ensemble rehearsals in
preparation for the May concert, it is important for students to maintain a consistent practice schedule each week. This will ensure that they are prepared for
future band rehearsals. This trimester, students were assessed based on their personal initiative, skill development, and ensemble participation.
Aidan has a good work ethic and positive attitude. He collaborated well with his peers during ensemble rehearsals, occasionally showing personal initiative and
taking a leadership role within the group. Aidan participates in each band class. He remembers his instrument, music, and he contributes during sectionals. Aidan
is approaching mastery of his music while performing in a small ensemble.

Wellness Ms. Elizabeth C. Metcalfe 1 2

Trimester 2 Seventh grade wellness topics this trimester have focused on healthy versus unhealthy eating, body image, and the role of media when it comes to how we view
and value our bodies. Speakers from the Eating Disorders Foundation spoke to all of the classes about the various types of eating disorders, how negative
comments can play a role in what drives people to eating disorders, how to get help, and what to do when we have concerns about friends or family when it comes
to issues around eating and body image. After a quick review of macro and micronutrients, students began a final project, which was modeled after the Eat This,
Not That books and how to make healthier food choices, especially when dining out.
Aidan has had a wonderful trimester in wellness. He has been fully engaged in class discussions, though often preferring to simply listen. Demonstrating strong
collaboration skills, Aidan and his partner worked well together on their nutrition project. Other than some organizational issues, they presented a well researched
project. I look forward to more great work from Aidan.

Film Mr. Daniel P. O'Neill 2 2
Trimester 1 This trimester in documentary filmmaking, students were introduced to storytelling, both in photographic and video form. The time spent in the Digital Media
Studio allowed students to have a hands-on learning experience that emphasized video and digital software skills. The primary projects included the development
of investigative interviews with faculty, students, staff, and involved efficient use of time, creativity, and the ability to work within a group.
Aidan has really stepped up to the plate these last few weeks in documentary filmmaking. He tackled the complex idea of storyboarding with ease and is learning
the basics of editing. I appreciate his ability to listen and accept ideas from his crew mates, and I am noticing him taking charge of his own creativity in class.
Trimester 2 This trimester in documentary filmmaking, students continued to hone their technique and began to film their projects. Crews edited footage successfully in the
Corkins Center Digital Media Studio, filmed out and about on campus, utilizing Graland's digital film cameras. The final projects included scripted explainer
videos and interviews with faculty, staff, and students for short-subject documentaries.
Aidan was able to collaborate well with his classmates this trimester and made a specific effort to participate at a higher level. He was able to jump in and
contribute concept ideas and listened carefully to instruction.

Sports Conditioning Mr. Christopher J. Hecht 1

Trimester 2 The Sports Performance Training and Conditioning class focused on the general aspects of athleticism that every developing athlete requires in order to gain a
competitive edge. Students worked daily on improving their speed, agility, and quickness, their power and strength, their balance, flexibility and mobility, their
metabolic conditioning, and their functional movement. Students had a variety of equipment available to utilize including free weights, bands, parachutes, agility
ladders, and their own body weight. Emphasis was placed on correct technique, safety, and etiquette.
Aidan did a great job learning how to work out like an athlete, and he was a motivating factor for his friends. As he learned to perform the exercises, it was
obvious that he is developing a strong mindset in addition to a stronger body. In the end, Aidan had surprised himself with how much more potential he had
developed. Hopefully, he can utilize his new knowledge on his own to continue his conditioning for his spring sport and beyond.

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