Vitals data not saving when multiple data files are created

Issue #7 resolved
Andrew Pilling created an issue

Once vitals data has run for an hour, a new hdf5 file is created, however not data is being saved to the file (ie. the new file is empty [0kb size]). No error messages appear in the command prompt window. Live visuals continue to stream.

This was found while streaming Numerics + 1 waveform (ART)

Comments (7)

  1. Ade Oyalowo

    Occurs with both and (when testing files generated every 30s and every 60s). In the past, we've been able to open/view subsequently created files, so this is probably related back to separating saving and parsing. Rolling back to check.

  2. Andrew Pilling reporter

    Occurred with pyMINDgui with 1hour+ run sessions (first file was good, subsequent were corrupt)

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