pagerduty alerting not working?

Issue #9 resolved
mork created an issue

Oh hi,

Great tool, my email reporting works well, but i'm not getting any alerts via pagerduty.

Any suggestions?

I'm new to pagerduty, but test incidents deliver just fine..

Comments (4)

  1. danb

    @clusterfuck hey, I've got no idea why that might happen, but if you look in CloudWatch for /aws/lambda/AlertPagerdutyFunction you should see execution logs for the lambda. it's set up to dump the responses it gets from pagerduty into the logs (possible error) so you should be able to test-fire and catch the issue. let me know if you get an error message and can't figure it out.

  2. mork reporter

    Yep, it was my mistake, i'd incorrectly set up the pagerduty side of things.

    Closing this, thanks Dan. Great tool btw!

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