So this is what you've been up to lately...

Issue #1 new
Peter J. Mello created an issue

Hi Andrey, and happy new year. I just happened to be in the Chrome Web Store poking around for a web page snapshot search tool, when I happened to glance further down the page and saw that one of my favorite developers has a 🥇 Featured Extension on display!!! 😃

I just wanted to pop my head in and congratulate you on a truly well-deserved and long overdue accolade. Of course I’ve been talking up SelectionSK to anyone who would listen for years and still hope someday to see it achieve this kind of recognition as well, but for anything you create to get this kind of exposure must feel tremendously rewarding and I’m so pleased it’s happened for you.

You design top-notch software and obviously invest a lot of time into everything you do, getting all the small details right and always seem open to feedback and suggestions, and I’m really grateful for that. I hope this message finds you safe and healthy and planning big things for the future. Again, thank you for sharing your talents so freely, and congratulations galore!!! 🎉



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