Automatic currency conversion to a selectable "home" currency

Issue #23 resolved
Peter J. Mello created an issue

While I am aware of the XE Currency Converter bookmark possibility, it actually is more than I typically need. My use case is overwhelmingly made up of instances when I see a price quoted in any currency but that of my home country, and simply wishing to highlight it with its symbol or abbreviation and have the value converted to my native one. In this way it would closely resemble the recent Translate/Thesaurus additions which don't require a new tab, but ideally not even a click to select that function would be involved. If I highlight something that the extension can parse as a currency value, it would convert it to whatever currency I had chosen in the settings and append the converted value to the popup as the final entry.

If we're shooting for the moon with this, then in a perfect world it would do the same for cryptocurrency in that I could select one currency as my native preference, and if I highlighted an integer value and a string recognized as an abbreviation for another major cryptocurrency, the converted value would again be appended to the end of the popup.

Thank you again for putting so much work into such an amazing improvement to the web browsing experience.

Comments (6)

  1. Andrey Shemetov repo owner

    Added in v3.3, will be released (relatively) soon. Sorry, no support for cryptocurrency because it's semi-official and APIs don't support it yet. Initial version may have issues, please report, will fix. Btw, really appreciate you help with Portuguese translation. Maybe you can review other languages (English?)

  2. Peter J. Mello reporter

    Wow, that's incredible, I can't wait to test it out! No need to thank me either, it's the least that I can do to show my gratitude for all your hard work. I'm honored that you would ask me to review the English as well and I'll do exactly that the next time I have a few minutes to myself.

  3. Andrey Shemetov repo owner

    Added support for major cryptocurrencies. Thank you, review of the English will be appreciated.

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