Option to keep popup menu open while mouse is over it

Issue #4 closed
Andrey Shemetov repo owner created an issue

(copied from https://bitbucket.org/ashemetov/selectionsk/issues/67/option-to-keep-popup-menu-open-while-mouse) Paweł Dobosz created an issue 2012-07-31


I don't want to be a nuisance (I've already asked about this in issue #64), but I still miss this behavior. I also realize that you marked it as wontfix in issue #44, but I think it would be good to have it as an option.

So my suggestion is to have a checkbox, allowing to choose between the default behavior that you've explained in #44 and:

Close popup automatically when: *mouse is out of autopopup for 2 seconds (mouse is in, but not moving for more than 2 seconds <- inactive)

Given, as in your example, that timeout was set to 2s.

Also, it would be nice to be able to set the timeout in ms instead of seconds.

Thanks in advance for looking into this :)

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