website getting larger

Issue #41 resolved
amir salam created an issue

ur updae at may27 when ive selected menupop up and then double click the text then the website getting larger and hard to serarc …im sure the problem with “““new update conversation””

Comments (14)

  1. amir salam reporter

    the problem is with the lastest version 3.6 so plz remove the 3.6 version to 3.5 or 3.4 / better one…..

    thanks for ur reply…

  2. Andrey Shemetov repo owner

    This is Chrome bug with insertAdjacentHTML (or, let’s say different behavior). FF is working fine.

    It is already fixed, will release new version soon.

  3. amir salam reporter

    …..thanks…. is there a way where i find the previous version .so that i can replace it may manually

  4. Andrey Shemetov repo owner

    I published new version with a fix yesterday. For some reason Google didn't make it available for public yet.

  5. Andrey Shemetov repo owner

    Please use attached file.

    Settings-Icon > Tools > Extensions
    ( the 'three horizontal-bars' icon in the top-right corner )

    Enable Developer Mode (toggle button in top-right corner)

    Drag and drop the "crx" extension file onto the Extensions page from [step 1]


  6. amir salam reporter

    wow its working incredible great 😀 so happy……

    thanks for ur full supportive replies…

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