Conversion function needs a hot-key only mode

Issue #48 resolved
Peter J. Mello created an issue

Hi Andrey, I hope all is well with you. Hopefully you don’t mind me running another idea by you.

First off, none of this diminishes my continuing admiration for the fact that I put a bug in your ear a year ago about the auto-conversion feature and you made it appear out of thin air like a wizard. It really did exceed my expectations, and when I need it, it’s solid. My issue is that I still feel like there are just a few too many times each week where I just want to hightlight a text string and because there’s a $ somewhere or a digit next to a full stop (.) I have to first dismiss the converter to get my copy on. I don’t think there’s much to be done about it either, it’s one of those things where the fuzzy logic is always going to wobble between too sensitive and too agnostic.

My question is do you think it’s reasonable to create a couple new activation modes for it? Just like what you’ve done with the translate function, I would really be over the moon if it were possible to assign a hotkey to hold and only then would it attempt to convert a value. Likewise, if it could just be a button in the pane/entry in the menu and I could completely disable its auto-activation, that would be splendid. I feel sheepish coming back to you on something I pressed for and now asking you to reign it in a bit, but perhaps there’s no progress without honesty and humility? 🙃

Look forward to hearing your thoughts,


Comments (3)

  1. Andrey Shemetov repo owner

    I didn’t get why have to first dismiss the converter to get copy on - converter is just another button, SSK tries to show it only when conversion is possible, of course there is a room for false detections.

    Anyway, SSK is highly configurable, I think you can get desired functionality right now:

    1. Remove converter button completely. Just go to bookmarks and delete 'SSK: Convert' item (it is possible to restore default bookmarks in the Preferences\Maintenance):

    2. Go to Preferences\Converter and choose a key for instant conversion (insure that it is not interfering with translation or highlighting):

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