
Issue #54 resolved
MF L created an issue

When Favicon service is set to Google, Open in New background tab setting doesn’t work correctly. The search is opened in current tab.

Comments (8)

  1. Andrey Shemetov repo owner

    Fixed, fix will be released soon.

    As a temp workaround please use any other favicon service.

    Update: please install version 4.6

  2. Andrey Shemetov repo owner

    I didn’t get what the issue, please provide details.

    Translation popup should not come up after selection of word, instead menu or panel should come up. From menu or panel you can select translation.

    Other option is hold a key (Ctrl by default) during selection. In that case instant translation will be performed. Key can be configured or even disabled in preferences.

  3. MF L reporter

    Translation popup shows up sometimes after selection of words. In the meantime, no pane appears and words aren’t in selected status anymore. I didn’t hold any keys. Attached is my setting.

  4. Andrey Shemetov repo owner

    I think that ‘Ctrl’ hold reported as being hold to extension. That maybe because of the browser issue, page issue or interference with other extensions. As a workaround please set a key for instant translation to ‘None’.

  5. MF L reporter

    I've taken your workaround. If this issue occurs again, I'll reply to this thread. Thank you.

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