[suggestion] folderized view for playlists directories

Issue #11 closed
zeroone2numeral2 created an issue


Thank you for the lovely extension.

I would like to suggest a feature: the Spotify web app and desktop app allow to create playlist folders, to organize your playlists in a directories tree. It would be nice to have these directories available in the extension’s tree too, right now it looks like the playlists tree ignore directories

Comments (8)

  1. Andrey Shemetov repo owner

    Issue here is that Spotify API doesn’t return folder information. instead it returns plain folder list. The only way is parse Spotify Web Player, but it may be hard, buggy and not reliable, especially with nested folders. Will check how that will work.

  2. zeroone2numeral2 reporter

    Uhm, interesting - but then, how are folders synced across different devices? Is spotify using some kind of private APIs? I wandered a bit in the web API docs and they explicitly mention that you can’t work with playlists folders using the web API

  3. Andrey Shemetov repo owner

    Please update to the version 2.4. Note that folders may be not refreshed immediately, just restart browser after update and keep it running for 1h with Spotify page open.

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