2 Questions and a possible bug.

Issue #13 new
Mikhoul created an issue

What is the purpose of the "Improve spotify web player" option ?

Also why when my computer (windows 7) goes out of sleep my browser have a tab opened like this:

Best Regards !

Comments (6)

  1. Mikhoul reporter

    I should have say that I’m with Brave( chromium) but for the “ "Improve spotify web player" option I understand better but the translation/explanation could better. Maybe later I will give you some suggestions.

    But for my second question: I understand the extension need to connect to my spotify to retrieve informations but why when my computer is on idle/sleep and I wake up my computer I see “This site can’t be reached…”

    The login should be done one time and happen in background, so why I see this windows/message when I had already authorized the extension ?

    Regards !

  2. Andrey Shemetov repo owner

    Extension need to refresh authorization token every our in order to get access to Spotify API.

    chrome.identity.launchWebAuthFlow (function that does it) doesn't work properly in Chrome and Chrome based browsers like Brave, but it is implemented properly in Firefox. I implemented a workaround for Chrome that opens new tab, collect details and close a tab, looks like this workaround is interfering with sleep mode. Will review if i can improve it.

  3. Mikhoul reporter

    Thanks for the reply,

    I really like if you can fix the implementation in Chromium browser, I’ve seen a tab opened quickly and closing almost instantaneously every few hour and it’s annoying.

    You could use “OAuth Code grant flow” so we only have to grants permission only once and no longer having to refresh the token every hour. https://developer.spotify.com/documentation/general/guides/authorization-guide/#authorization-code-flow

    Also do you have the code of the extension somewhere were we can contribute and push pull request ? I tried to find the code on Bitbucket but I’m not familiar with Bitbucket I’M more familiar with Github/Gitlab.

    Best Regards

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