Login/Boot screen: Print PERSINTENCE ENABLED

Issue #13 wontfix
Rebek Kahn created an issue


When installing/configuring/etc it will be interesting that the current status of the persistence will be displayed. For example in the login screen (join to the logo) you can print “PERSISTENCE ENABLED” or “RAM ONLY”. Then it will be more easy to identify the current status.

Use case: you boot the device (virtual or baremetal) without the persistent storage connected. Then you need to notice it!

Thank you.

Comments (4)

  1. Rebek Kahn reporter


    Perhaps, more info added to the login screen after the logo will be interesting.

    One example:

                                 /\_\               .
                                 \/_/              ::
                               arch: x86_64-virtual
                                ver: 2.1.0
                               mode: persistence-on
                               host: lightwhale1

    I hope you think this is a good idea.
    Thank you.

  2. Stephan Henningsen

    I like the idea. Exposing it directly on the banner is nifty, especially if it can be as condensed as in your layout.

    But I think most people don’t have a screen attached to their server. And the banner is also not displayed when you ssh directly into the server using key authentication, which is most common. And it does interfere a little with people who want to make their own /etc/issues banner (like I always do) — although this could be implemented in a clever way where, say, @@LIGHTWHALE_IPADDR@@ is replaced with the actual ip address, and people could just not add that. ..But what if the ip address changes after the banner was generated? Hm, I’m not sure I want to invest a lot of energy in this feature…

    I’ve actually planned to do something similar, but I’d show the info immediately after you log in. I would show a server health summary of disk, memory, and cpu usage, and a list of containers and their status, perhaps some exert from docker stats (except it takes such long time to complete). Perhaps have something that periodically generates /etc/motd (or replaces @@LIGHTWHALE_STATS@@ ) or just a profile script that executes.

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