SWAP not used

Issue #22 resolved
Dae Quan created an issue


Using version 2.4.1 I follow the guide to setup the persistence using:

echo "lightwhale-please-format-me" | dd conv=notrunc of=/dev/sda

And at reboot the persistence is up, but the swap partition is not used (only the zram).

Tested using “fdisk -l” that shows the second swap partition. And with “swapon -s“ that only shows the zram. I can mount it with “swapon /dev/sda2“ but I expect that this will be automatically mounted.

You can check it please?

Comments (10)

  1. Stephan Henningsen

    I always fix things, when I get a chance ;) I think it’s high priority, actually. That’s why I’ve already fixed it. I’ll see if I can publish a dev build tonight. Then you can verify it, if you like.

  2. Stephan Henningsen

    This was in fact a regression. I’ve fixed in by added an init script specifically for mounting swap: /etc/init.d/S08swap.

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