There should be a default "estimate" database folder when running locally

Issue #2 resolved
Marcin Drzymała created an issue

I am running on x86_64 GNU/Linux

When I ran the app, the local database directory was empty. So i did fill it with a path to a folder on my desk: "~/Desktop/estimate"

I ended up with a folder "~" on my desktop and in it Desktop/estimate...

And one time when i left it empty the directory I ended up with my desktop filled with files from the database. I had the *.jar on the desktop.

If there was provided a default database path i think it wouldn't happen.

By the way, i suggest the "remember" tick enabled by default...

Comments (4)

  1. Marcin Drzymała reporter

    No problem.

    I suggest the default path should be something like "estimate/" but i don't know if there should or shouldn't be slashes.

  2. Andy Till repo owner

    I have pushed a change to put a default of value of ./EstiMateDB in the local database field.

    I have also added an "Absolute Path" field which will show exactly on the file system where database will be created. It is not editable, it just works out the absolute path from the relative one.

    Support has also been added for ~ characters. If this is found on the front of the path if will be replaced with System.getProperty("user.home").

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