Performance decreases as bot gets detailed.

Issue #126 new
Former user created an issue

i am trying to make a detailed bot using VisualRm yet only about 150 nodes in VisualRM interface so the bot client gets laggy. Working that way is very slow and looks like it will become impossible after certain amount of nodes. My plan was to save time using VirtualRm before i learn javascript and i used to create very detailed autohotkey macros to pixelbot many games for a long time so all i need was literally some boxes and strings. Even tho VirtualRm misses some functions at this point, it's still possible to create very complex bots just a little bit longer than it should.

Anyway i gues final node amount will be higher than 1k. I'm not sure if i'm doing something wrong yet do you think VisualRm can handle that much? if not do you have any plans on improving performance? im talking about interface btw, bot still runs quite good if interface doesnt lags the runemate client.

Comments (3)

  1. Tybault Hollanders

    Due to the limitations of RM and the way JavaFx (the UI backend) works (and tbh my lack of knowledge about more in depth memory management) there won’t be many performance improvements.

    But if you are already at 150 nodes and are expecting 1k+ you are probably doing something wrong. I have written very detailed and complex bots and never get something above 100 nodes. You need to try and optimize the logic too.

    For big AIO bots this is sadly not the tool due to memory constraints (public RM client only allows 256mb).

  2. cagatay

    I ve started with the woodcutting bot tutorial you ve provided. Duplicated it for both mining and woodcutting inside one bot. Once im familiar with interface i ve added a randomizer to decide between mining and woodcutting. after that it would first check the equiped item to see if its good enough for chars skill level. If not it starts looking for the necessary equipment in inventory first then the bank and follows that path until it equips the best possible tool for the job. then depending on skill level it decides between 2-3 mining spots and moves to that area to mine untill bag is full. Thats all for now but that alone is around 150 nodes. i was planing to add a sale option on grand exchange once daily + whenever it needs a better equipment if total value of the banked goods re enough for the purchase of axe/pickaxe/armors etc. i was also planing to add other skills, killing mobs and questing so basicly 6-7 randomized tasks to chose from, gear up for it, resupply if necessary, sell the stuff. and ofcourse adding multiple area coordinates to randomize traveling.

    Thats too much to ask considering the limitations i gues or i could simply make multiple bots for different purposes and let the autohotkey do the randomizing and rearm the bots. anyway i am already started following the tutorials on runemate forums gues i ll better learn to script if i want something packed all together.

    I still wonder tho if there is a method to schedule or call bots inside VirtualRM so that way i could split the bots in function bots and call one whenever i need it for example call Check_Equipment bot whenever it needs to decide what to equip. For example stop node may let you decide just stop or load another bot and keep goin. Ofcourse you lose variables that way yet it may still do wonders if planned correct and add many more possiblities even for big projects.

    Your bot has been pretty usefull to give me a head start in things by the way. Gave me lots of ideas about how i ll make the switch from macro planning to script planning. I really appreciate your work and will be supporting and following for sure.

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