Error when opening (larger) files.

Issue #16 resolved
Former user created an issue

I tried making a prif thiever, and made way too many nodes. I had to save and come back, and when I came back, it wasn't loading, and closes instantly, giving NullPointerException. The variable list is safe, and I can recover that via copy/paste through notepad. Not sure how much is just my older computer.

I included the bot, the log for when it was built and saved, and the log of what happens if you load it.

Comments (3)

  1. Tybault Hollanders

    this doesn't really have to do with big bots per se, but just the speed your computer can load things. With more nodes it is more possible that the laoding process makes a little mistake. I have found a solution tho and it will be added to the next release

  2. Tybault Hollanders

    holy shitballs. That is A LOT OF DEDICATION making that bot :p, And the cleanliness has me thinking you might have some OCD haha. In the next release you should be able to load the bot back up :).

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