Ability to make Super States.

Issue #19 resolved
Former user created an issue

A super State will contain all the other states in it. Like different Threads in a whole java program.

The use of Super states will enable the ability to make more complex bots with vast functionality.

Say, i want to create a bot that Should catch Raw fishes in bulk at fishing guild, then Go to Rouges den and cook them all at once. Right now, all of these functions will be executed in one main loop which would be run over and over making it hard to make the bot. With the use of super states, One state could handle everything related to Fishing guild and fishing part, the other state could handle all of the cooking part. Just the state in use would be looped over.

Benefits of this: 1) Creating more Complex and wholesome/ intelligent bots. 2) Will consume less CPU power as the whole code is not run all the time in the main loop. Low CPU usage is done right now too with the tree structure of bot but super states will icrease complexity while lowering usage. 3) Ease of implementation with the current bot framework. 4) The ability to run two or more superstates together will take the bots to next level. I can make one superstate to deal with changes in the current environment while the other superstate handles the tasks needed. Example would be, say a bot that uses chaos altar in wild to train prayer. One superstate will handle the pker watch, insta-logout, world hopping features, and other superstate can handle burying, banking, walking etc. In this case, the first superstate will override the second one. Another Example would be to make one superstate for handling health-related actions, monitoring xp and the items got from crates etc and second superstate will handle all actions of playing the game and banking etc. Again, the second superstate will run off the demands and feedbacks from the first superstate.

Implementation could be done Could be done via introducing a superstate option in the start stop node section. It should have a expand and collapse option which would hide or show the whole formation of that superstate.

Do let me know what you think. Thanks.

Comments (4)

  1. Segfault

    Yeah, I've been thinking about the same thing. Currently it misses that and I've actually ended up with two checkpoints in a script and then just manually changing the flow when one part is done :p.

  2. Tybault Hollanders

    interesting idea to work out. Would it be fine to just have an option to set a checkpoint as the starting node to loop. This would be done with a simple checkbox in the go to checkpoint node. I was planning on doing this from the start, but I didn't have time to test for various issues this might introduce. You can probably expect this in the next release (0.0.5)

  3. Tybault Hollanders

    resolved (for now) with ability to assign checkpoints as rootnodes Multithreaded side trees might become a thing later

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