Calculation condition reachable/visible broken after last update

Issue #27 resolved
Segfault created an issue

I tried using the hosidious cooker that was made on version 0.03 and it's broken in 0.04. The calculation condition that checks if the game object (clay oven) is reachable doesn't work.

Comments (7)

  1. Segfault reporter

    There is produced no logs when trying to use calculation condition for "reachable game object".

  2. Tybault Hollanders

    I know the problem for this issue (as in the current version you need to have a gameobject/npc/.... condition node to check if it exists before you can call a condition on these objects. I'm slowly editing all nodes involved in accessing all kinds of objects to have the condition node implemented internally. You shouldn't really use that condition anyway. It can be quite expensive (especially in rs3) and can also be done in the GameObject condition node query (you can toggle reachable there). (btw if the object is always reachable just avoid it all around)

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