Item dropping has bug

Issue #32 resolved
Former user created an issue

I was chopping logs and dropping them. Cursor missclicks a lot of times maybe 3 items in backback when dropping and sometimes script stops when just clicks an item action - use. Item stays with white outline around it. And also dropping is very slow. Can you make it faster since jagex has implemented shift-drop feature and quick dropping wouldn't seem suspicious at all. I can drop a lot faster than this bot. Thanks.

Comments (3)

  1. Tybault Hollanders

    That save makes no sense :p If you assign "Drop" as action it will use shift drop as you should have noticed. Also the fact it drops slower is due to clouse mouse interaction. I will adjust the mouse generator to something faster, but it will still be a tad bit slow. If I lower the delay between clicks it will miss even more items. You can manualy fix this by setting up a droploop with a checkpoint. Like this. This will skim over the items again. java_2018-05-17_23-17-56.png

    PS: although you have nodes to see if an item is selected, I added an internal failsave when dropping to test this

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