Telekinetic grab bugged.

Issue #46 new
Former user created an issue

Created a safespot script which also detects and telegrabs valuable loot.

The script checks for a particular ground item and if it is present, use Telekinetic grab on the item via Special interaction node.

At first, the scrip selected tele grab spell but with the spell selected, tried to select the spell again. This cannot happen as the spell is already selected so the script got stuck. To overcome this, I ticked the "extra mouse click" option in the special interaction node. Now, the script was successfully able to cast tele grab on the item but it broke after it gives the message "Exception caused in special interaction node".

Please fix this.

Also, there is no option to create an array of items to loot or telegrab. I have to check for all the items separately via Ground item condition and if they are present, loot them.

Instead of this, I should just be able to create only 2 nodes. One for ground item condition and other for action. Select all the items in both the nodes and the bot would check if any item of ground item condition is present or not, if it is, then cast telegrab on the item if it is also present in action node.

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