Visual Rm presets probably do not work says the message "Your bank has ran out of presets"

Issue #86 new
ShittyBotter created an issue

Hello, needless to say thank you very much for this tool is it game-changing for the community and i will be donating soon and this post is only to help.

I am making a script to string bows, and since i dont know or there isnt a way to withdraw a specific amount of items from the bank straight up without the Visualrm presets i am kinda stuck here.

When i use Visual Rm presets it simply withdraws the inventory once and then it just stops and then the message "Your bank has ran out of presets" appears so i dont know if it is a bug or i am doing something wrong, needless to say the presets would be once again game-changing for the usage of this script.

Once again thank you very much for this bot, it is very helpful like you cant imagine, and i will be donating

Comments (2)

  1. ShittyBotter reporter

    the problem seems to have been solved since last update, so nothign to see here move along

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