Drop "unsupported" node and mark support

Issue #106 new
Chris Fuller created an issue

From internal discussions:

The original intent was to make the library a bit more resilient against the introduction of new node and mark types, but now that it’s a bit clearer what the safe rollout sequence should be when the editor team wants to introduce them, I think fail-fast might be preferred.

One thing in particular that makes me think this is worth doing: Currently, the ExampleAdf document deliberately includes a couple of these so that the “unsupported” nodes and marks get included in the warm-up. However, that also means that the example document doesn’t pass schema validation, which feels a bit off. I’d like to at the very least remove them from the example so that it can be used as a smoke test when we are bumping the validation library.

The second half is of this is addressed as part of issue 105, but the first part is a separate piece of work.

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