#111: Remove the empty attrs in codeBlock, tableHeader and tableCell

Issue #111 new
Haoxin Li created an issue


In ADF Library M1 project (wiki → ADF convert path), CS adds empty attrs to ADF doc (for codeBlock, tableHeader and tableCell) when it converts wiki to ADF, while the ADF Library doesn't. In order to make it consistent, work was done to make the ADF Library add attrs to ADF doc.

Now that M1 has concluded, the convert path no longer calls CS.

Current status

In M2 (ADF → wiki preStore path):

  • the old code (calling CS) will output the exact same ADF doc that it receives as input, i.e., no empty attrs will be added to the ADF doc.
  • However, due to work in M1, the new code (using ADF Library) still adds empty attrs to the ADF doc.

We need to reverse the changes done in M1.

Example of adding empty attrs:

  • oldAdf (CS): {"type":"codeBlock","content":
  • newAdf (Lib): {"type":"codeBlock","attrs":{},"content":



tableHeader and tableCell:

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