Old wiki transformer adds empty fields to mention node

Issue #40 resolved
Craig Lawrence created an issue

The typescript wiki transformer adds empty text and accessLevel fields to mention nodes, i.e. [~abc-123] converts to

          "type": "mention",
          "attrs": {
            "id": "abc-123",
            "text": "",
            "accessLevel": ""

We want to replicate this functionality to ensure the consistency check passes during rollout, but there is no reason to maintain it long-term, so implement this fix using a parser feature flag as described here: https://bitbucket.org/atlassian/adf-builder-java/src/ce4867777b3e4042565bde75ed22d782dc82c289/lib/src/main/resources/README.md

i.e. the FF disabled state should add these empty fields, the FF enabled state should only have the id field (the current behaviour).

This issue will likely only require a logic change in wiki/src/main/java/com/atlassian/adf/wiki/parser/tokenize/links/MentionLinkResolver.java

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