Investigate jira-frontend's wiki-to-adf conversion

Issue #69 closed
Chris Fuller created an issue

I just learned that jira-frontend has its own Wiki-to-ADF converter! Why they built their own and didn’t contribute it back to the editor team is beyond me. Apparently there are some things that it does a better job of converting and it is better at dealing with light/dark theme stuff.

Digging a little deeper, apparently the main difference is that after using the editor-wikimarkup-transformer, it then also uses the editor-json-transformer. I don’t know what that extra step does. My guess is that it has something to do with the translation between the ADF schema representation of ADF and the ProseMirror representation. Is this where some of the fixups are happening? Would it make sense to make these fix-ups available in some form in the java lib? Maybe with a feature flag or a Context flag controlling it? I have no idea...

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