issuecount job unnecessarily retrieves data when only count is needed

Issue #12 resolved
Tony Marandola created an issue

The issuecount job sets a maxresults number of 200 by default. This results in data for each issue that matches the query being returned in the result. By setting maxResults to 0, and using the total field in the response that can be avoided, and there is no artificial upper limit imposed on the count. Performance is also consistent over queries that have between 0 and 350K results.

Rough benchmarks (using chrome network profiling data, screenshot attached) maxResults = 200 4-6 second response time and 157 KB payload maxresults=0 220-420 ms response time and 469 B payload

Change line 73 to:

  // maxResults 0 since we only want the count, which is stored in
    options.url = baseUrl + qs.stringify({jql: item.jql, maxResults: 0});

Change lIne 84 to:

// maxResults set to 0 in call, so number of results in total
        ret.count =;

I'll workup a pull request after searching if there are any other jobs that could utilize this optimization

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