The pending-pr job is broken when using Atlasboad 1.0.1

Issue #16 resolved
Iván Loire created an issue

The breaking change was introduced here:

The pending-pr job uses q.nbind to "promisify" easyRequest.JSON:

var getJSON = q.nbind(dependencies.easyRequest.JSON, dependencies.easyRequest);

and adding a new argument to the easyRequest.JSON callback broke the object returned by getJSON.

Comments (6)

  1. Josh Devenny

    Another workaround is to change all of the data.values references in stash.js and bitbucket.js to data[0].values. It seems the new getJSON function is returning a list with a json blob inside it.

  2. Joseph Walton

    Is there any reason that data = data[0] isn't a correct fix here? I'm using that as a local hack; should I submit a PR?

  3. Josh Devenny

    i-am-not-a-developer is basically the reason why I wasn't confident in making the fix more, uh, permanent... :)

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