Support plan branches in buildoverview job

Issue #2 resolved
Gilmore Davidson created an issue

We have a few separate plans that run on a schedule, that display fine with this package.

But our main run-on-commit builds are all branches of a single plan, which isn't currently supported.

Comments (3)

  1. Luis M

    You should be able to use the plan branch's key @gdavidson , e.g. "CONFUI-QUNITQEFFLATEST11" (the 11 suffix corresponds to the branch).

    Please reopen if this is not the case.

  2. Gilmore Davidson Account Deactivated reporter

    When I raised this issue, what I wanted was to just specify one plan and have all its plan branches automatically shown. Specifying individual branch keys for git branches that are created or deleted frequently doesn't scale.

    However, I've since moved teams and this no longer falls under my requirements, so I'm happy to leave it closed.

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