Atlassian package

Issue #11 resolved
Iván Loire created an issue

Wrap up all the Atlassian widgets we use in Confluence and publish them as the "Atlassian package"

Comments (8)

  1. Iván Loire reporter

    We have some of the ones we use at the office:

    • JIRA issues counter.
    • Bamboo builds (with responsible)
    • Content from confluence pages..

    They will come!

  2. Former user Account Deleted

    @iloire that sounds terrific, i am really looking forward to those. I am trying to see if i can build something simple by using the REST API from JIRA then making a very simple skeleton to get stuff from JIRA into atlasboard ;)

  3. Iván Loire reporter

    Actually, we have some similar stuff done already (we will publish it soon), but feel free to keep playing with it and share the results! :)

  4. Iván Loire reporter

    Hi @mihaicph ,

    This is just a preview on my personal fork, but you can have a peak of what´s coming:

    Just go to the folder of the dashboard you have created with atlasboard and type:

    $ git submodule add ssh:// packages/atlassian

    That will create a git submodule on your packages folder containing the atlassian package. We will eventually move that to an atlassian repository, but it would be nice to have your feedback. I will be uploading more widgets and jobs in the following days.

    The only widget/job that we have now published is the blockers job.



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