500 when widget gets loaded

Issue #135 resolved
Jeremy Seipelt created an issue

Hi all the widgets in the demo seem to work but if i use a default one it will not load and get a 500 instead of 200. Even the example from the Mainpage doesnt work.

Any Idea what could probably produce this error ?

> your-dashboard-name-here@0.0.1 start /Users/zmb/MainDir/zmbCORE/workspace/jeremy/Node/Atlasboard/zmb_dashboard
> node start


18:19:20.82 <warn> Authentication file not found in globalAuth.json. You may want to create your own. You can also define the place where the credential file will be located  by editing the auth file configuration property 'authenticationFilePath' (global-auth.js)
[dashboard: myfirst_dashboard] [job: google-calendar] 18:19:20.100 <info> Google calendar job started! (google-calendar.js)
GET /myfirst_dashboard 304 22.760 ms - -
GET /bower_components/rickshaw/rickshaw.min.css 304 13.690 ms - -
GET /bower_components/gridster/dist/jquery.gridster.min.css 304 12.327 ms - -
GET /stylesheets/normalize.css 304 11.550 ms - -
GET /build/vendor.js 304 427.734 ms - -
GET /bower_components/rickshaw/vendor/d3.v2.js 304 427.872 ms - -
GET /bower_components/rickshaw/rickshaw.min.js 304 7.898 ms - -
GET /build/app.js 304 8.187 ms - -
GET /stylesheets/application.css 200 450.372 ms - -
GET /myfirst_dashboard/js 200 19.558 ms - -
GET /fonts/roboto-condensed.woff 304 1.477 ms - -
GET /widgets/time?_=1461082764135 **500** 8.662 ms - 43
GET /widgets/image?_=1461082764136 200 24.367 ms - -
GET /widgets/time/js?_=1461082764140 200 21.808 ms - 159
GET /widgets/quotes?_=1461082764137 200 50.311 ms - -
GET /widgets/keyvaluelist?_=1461082764138 200 69.201 ms - -
GET /widgets/image/js?_=1461082764141 200 10.320 ms - 218
GET /widgets/calendar?_=1461082764139 200 74.408 ms - -
GET /widgets/quotes/js?_=1461082764142 200 5.023 ms - 497
GET /widgets/keyvaluelist/js?_=1461082764143 200 5.987 ms - 502
GET /widgets/calendar/js?_=1461082764144 200 3.437 ms - 721
// My Widget 
widget = {
  onData: function (el, data) {
    if (data.title) {
      $('h2', el).text(data.title);

    $('.content', el).html(data.time);


//My Job
module.exports = {
  onRun: function (config, dependencies, jobCallback) {
    jobCallback(null, {time:'time' +new Date(), title: config.widgetTitle});

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