google-analytics job start-date , end-date

Issue #140 resolved
alexandre created an issue

I use google analytics for my atlasboard and i have some trouble with the start-date and the end-date parameter when i use

 "config": {
    "ga": {
      "interval": 60000,
      "title": "test",
      "viewID": "XXXXXX",
      "authEmail": "",
      "metrics": ["ga:users"],
      "dimensions": ["ga:deviceCategory","ga:browser", "ga:nthDay"],
      "start-date": ["2daysAgo"],
      "end-date": ["today"],
      "realTime": false,
      "gaKeyLocation": "client_secrets.p12",

      "captions": ["device","navigateur","date","nb utilisateur"]

I get that atlasboard-mma.png

and I get the information from 7 days ago not from the last 3 days, why ?

Comments (2)

  1. alexandre reporter

    i have resolve my problem, just need to replace start-date by startDate and end-date by endDate.

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